The photo is of me in 1996 with my 3 'Forbes kids'. I live in Forbes NSW Australia with my husband and 3 of our 6 children. The older 3 have moved to Sydney (about 400 km or 250 miles east - on the coast) to study/work.
I didn't always live in Forbes - only since April 1975 - but sometimes that seems like 'forever'! I came here with one child... and had five more here. I have had kids at one of the local primary schools for 19 years... but the other day I met a man who thought I must be new to town because I didn't know him! I grew up in the Outer Western Suburbs of Sydney. I went to school at St Aidan's, Rooty Hill and Our Lady of Mercy College at Parramatta.
Not satisfied? You want to know where I really come from?
I came from Holland in 1958.