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Someone who visited our pages recently sent an award for Chrissy's page. Chrissy was pleased. I sent a thank you, but I haven't put Chrissy's award on her page, and I probably won't. Awards are a form of link exchange. When people come to our pages, I want them to stay a while and look at what we've got. I don't want to send them away with lists of links, or links disguised as awards.
There are all sorts of people giving out awards. I wouldn't want an award from a teenager whose own page leaves something to be desired....
Someone wrote to say my site is great except for one thing - it doesn't have a guestbook.Should I have a guestbook? I had thought about the pros and cons when I came across a page with a list (of pros and cons). To me, the cons still outweigh the pros.
One point against a guestbook: barely anyone who visits your site takes the time to sign... and 90% of those that do sign are only trying to plug their pages. The other 10% are friends who you've had to beg to sign.
Another con: people like putting huge graphics that are really annoying.
This next one was a pro... but is it?
Surfers can leave a mark that everyone that comes after them will see.
I've seen some 'marks' I'd want to erase!Another pro?
It's easier to get someone to sign your guestbook than to send you e-mail ...
Yes, but why... because they want a link?I'm not against links. After all, a web would not be a web without links... but I would like people to 'visit' before they follow a link and forget where they were a few minutes ago...
A complimentary email is worth more than a lot of guestbook entries. When someone takes the time to write to me, I really appreciate it. I know it's genuine.
Another con: It's depressing when no one signs your guestbook for a few days... and I can do without more sources of depression! I have an answering machine here at Tripod - but no-one else can see how many, or how few, messages I get!